Patient and Visitor Guide
We welcome you at Liaquat National Hospital and hope to make your visit a pleasant one. Here is all the information that you require as a patient or a visitor.
There are three gates facing main stadium road. You can use gate No. 2 and Gate No. 3.

Emergency Services
For emergency services, please head directly to Accident and Emergency from Gate 2 of LNH. All the cases referred to Accident and Emergency are registered and seen by health care providers after initial triage.ER is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Emergency Contact Number 021-34412745 & 021-34412760.
OPD Registration
When you come to Liaquat National Hospital, please go directly to the registration counter for Outpatient department, located at Syed Wajid Ali Complex (entrance from Gate 3) and OPD Complex 2 (entrance from Gate 2).
If you are a new patient, our Receptionist will register your data in the system and will issue the MRN (Medical Record Number) along with the card and direct you to respective OPD. In case you already have an MRN then please inform the registration receptionist so your data can be retrieved.
Every time you visit Liaquat National Hospital, please bring your MRN for your own convenience.
Information Desk
For your convenience, there are three information desks situated at the following locations:
- OPD Complex 2
- Syed Wajid Ali Complex
- Next to Accident and Emergency Department
Information Desk Contact Number: 021-34412521
Patient Admissions
Your Clinician shall advice for your admission in hospital. When you arrive please go directly to the Patient Admissions Department, located near Accident and Emergency department. Our admissions representative will ask for MRN and help you complete the required forms. After the formalities you will be escorted to your allotted bed. You may be asked to sign documents as per routine procedures, dealing with:
- Consent for care or surgery
- Responsibility for your hospital charges
- Specific services for your diagnosis
Visiting hours
Visiting hours at Liaquat National Hospital are from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. However, some unit hours may differ, please be sure to ask your ward staff or security for more information when you arrive.
Patient Meals
After getting admitted at Liaquat National Hospital, our dietitian visits every patient and selects the meal according to the requirement of patient and doctor’s advice.
The hospital has cafeterias at different locations from where the visitors can purchase their meal. Vending machines have also been placed at various sites for the convenience of the visitors.
Safety and Security
Visitors and patients are responsible for the security and safety of their personal belongings such as cash, cell phones, eye glasses or other valuables. Loss of any of these and other personal items will not be the responsibility of the hospital.
Attendant’s policy
COVID-19 Unit
No attendants are allowed in COVID-19 unit with the patients for their own safety and for the safety of others.
The counseling sessions of attendants are done after the consultants’ round.
Regular online meeting sessions with the family members are done with the patients twice daily.
Single attendant policy is applicable in rest of the hospital wards.
Preferably same attendant is advised to stay with the patient to avoid spread of any infection to the masses.
Patient and Visitor Experience
You can share your experiences, appreciations and suggestions during your visit or stay at the hospital directly with the physicians, coordinators supervisors or manager of that area. You can also share your feedback by sending us an email at or by filling the feedback form.