Paediatric Cardiology is a highly specialized subspecialty of Paediatrics, due to its complexity and the acuity with which patients present. The importance also emerges from the high incidence of congenital and acquired disorders of the cardiovascular system found in children. Paediatric Cardiology, Paediatric Cardiac Surgery and Intensive care are integrated into a Paediatric cardiac program.
The Paediatric Cardiac Program at LNH aims at providing high quality exemplary care to children and adults with congenital heart diseases. Paediatric Cardiology, Paediatric Cardiac Surgery, Paediatric Cardiac Intensive care and Paediatric Cardiac Anesthesia constitute the core group of this service at LNH. Other services are also an integral part of this program including Paediatric Cardiac Nursing, Cardiac Perfusionist and Operation Room technicians. The team of Paediatric Cardiologist, Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon and Paediatric Cardiac Intensivist comprised of senior faculty members who have pioneered in their respective fields. The service gets referrals from all over the country as well as from the neighboring countries.
Paediatric Cardiology
Paediatric Cardiac Service is a comprehensive service that encompasses diagnostic and therapeutic aspects or routine and emergency care of neonates, infants, children and adolescents with cardiac diseases as well as adults with congenital heart diseases. Scope of work demands a close linkage with several subspecialties that come together to offer a comprehensive care, a state of art precision that is life saving for children.
Paediatric Cardiac Service is a comprehensive service that encompasses diagnostic and therapeutic aspects or routine and emergency care of neonates, infants, children and adolescents with cardiac diseases as well as adults with congenital heart diseases. Scope of work demands a close linkage with several subspecialties that come together to offer a comprehensive care, a state of art precision that is life saving for children.
Specialized services offered by this specialty include:
This is provided by the skilled team, who performs the echo and counsel the family at the same sitting. Referrals for this procedure are made from experts for a final opinion, considering this as a final authentic word.
- Interventional Cardiology for Paediatric patients
- Interventional Cardiology for Adult Congenital heart diseases
- Adult congenital Cardiology (PKU)
This is provided by highly skilled Paediatric Cardiologists with one of the best echocardiography machines in the country.
A biplane cath lab for Paediatric cardiac catheterization and intervention is unique as it is not present in any other Paediatric Cardiac center in Pakistan.
CT angiography and MRI are also performed.
Paediatric Cardiac Surgery
This service offers congenital heart surgery to neonates, children and adolescents as well as adults with congenital heart diseases. Range of surgical workload ranges from simple to complex heart defects. Surgery is also performed for acquired heart diseases like Rheumatic heart disease and Infective endocarditis.
Frequently Asked Questions
The cause is generally not easily identifiable in individual case. However, it is multifactorial which may be a genetic predisposition and an environmental insult (like viral infection, drugs, Diabetes, etc.) may be responsible for the problem.
Echocardiography is Ultrasound waves and has not been proven to have any harmful effects on the child
It varies with the type of disease. Children with milder varieties may live to adulthood even without surgery and with surgery they may live a normal lifespan. However, severe types do not live without surgery. Some may require multiple surgeries.
Simple defects have almost 100% success after surgery. Complex diseases also have a success rate of 70-80%. It is not dismal.
Majority have a normal life after surgery. Girls can get married and have children. Participation in sports is also generally well tolerated.

Please call us on 021-34412474.