Health Information Management Services | Services | Liaquat National Hospital and Medical College

Health Information Management Services

Health Information Management Services (HIMS) at Liaquat National Hospital aim to provide easy access to health records to authorized patient/attendants. We diligently maintain patients’ records using modern file tracking systems. This record contains necessary information about the treatment that a patient may have received at our hospital and can be used for medical reference in the future.
All patients who have received inpatient care at Liaquat National Hospital can retrieve copies of their medical records, which includes Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Summaries, Duplicate birth Certificates and Duplicate Death Certificates.
In addition, you can submit Amendment letters to these certificates and verifications of medical bills from Health Information Management services (HIMS) by appearing in person.


Health Information Management Services can be contacted for following services:

  • Duplicate & Amendment to Birth Report
  • Duplicate & Amendment to Death Report
  • Duplicate Discharge
  • Insurance Claim Verifications
  • Issuance of Clinical Summaries
  • Verification of Hospital Bills
  • Admission Certificate (Non Clinical)
  • Emergency Certificate (Non Clinical)

Requirements for HIMS Services

Collection of Health Records

In order to obtain services of HIMS applicant shall be required to submit Request Form in person along with Identification documents that will be required from the patient, family member or attendant to verify that they are authorized to have the access to records.

Where to Submit and Collect Documents?

  • Submit requests for health records at the HIMS Counter, located in the HIMS Department, near the General Store behind the LNH Parking Plaza.
  • Download the relevant Request Form fill it out, and submit it along with the required documents at the HIMS Counter to save time.
  1. 1. Request for Verification of EMR & Discharge Summary, and Bills Verification
  2. 2. Request for Duplicate and/or Amendment in Birth Certificate
  3. 3. Request for Duplicate and/or Amendment in Death Certificate
  4. 4. Request for Verification of Insurance Claim Forms
  5. 5. Request for Verification of Hospital Bills for Reimbursement with Letter

Processing Fee

S. No. Document Fee (PKR)
1 Verification of hospital bills with letter (Government of Sindh) 500
2 Verification of insurance claim for reimbursement by insurance companies 500
3 Verification of hospital bills without letter 300
4 Duplicate Birth Report 300
5 Duplicate Death Report 300
6 Duplicate Discharge/ EMR Summary, Lab Reports, Insurance claim verification for reimbursement 300
7 Non Clinical emergency & admission letters 300
8 Amendment to Birth & Death Report 300
9 Verification of hospital bills without letter 300
10 Duplicate Birth Report 300

Frequently Asked Questions

HIMS Public Dealing Timings

Monday to Friday: 09:00 AM to 04:30 PM
Saturday: 09:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Lunch & Namaz Break:
Monday to Thursday: 01:00 PM to 02:00PM
Namaz-e-Jummah Break: 01:00 PM to 02:30PM

Ramadan Timings:
Monday to Thursday & Saturday: 08:00 AM to 01-:00 PM
Friday: 08:00 AM to 11:30 AM


HIMS Department, near General Store behind the LNH Parking Plaza.

Contact Details

Please call us on: 021-34412089