The Urogynaecology specialty offers screening, diagnosis and treatment of all conditions of female urinary and reproductive tract.
Conditions treated by this specialty are:
- Congenital anomalies of lower reproductive tract (for example, imperforate hymen, vaginal septum and vaginal agenesis.)
- Urinary incontinence (stress / urge / over active bladder syndrome)
- Fecal incontinence
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Post hysterectomy prolapse
- Rectovaginal fistula, vesicovaginal fistula
- Recurrent urinary tract infections and perineal injuries sustained after delivery
Non-surgical & surgical approaches to pelvic floor disorders are discussed in detail with the patient and investigation & treatment including surgical and non-surgical options are offered. At Urogynaecology clinic, it is made easier for women to talk about bladder and pelvic floor disorders.
Clinic and urodynamic session are conducted on weekly basis. Behavioral and medical management of urinary incontinence, and Pessaries for prolapse and pelvic floor physical therapy are also offered by this specialty. We are also equipped with urodynamics machine which enables us to perform various tests on the bladder including uroflow, filling and voiding cytometry and urethral pressure profile.
Tests and Procedures:
- Urodynamics
- Cystourethroscopy
- Bladder prolapse (cystocele) repair
- Enterocele repair / rectocele repair
- Vaginal hysterectomy (uterine prolapse surgery)
- Tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) and transobturator tape (TOT (midurethral slings)
- Burch colposuspensions
- Sacrohysteropexy
- Sacrocolpopexy
- Sacrospinous fixation
- Vesicovaginal fistula repair
- Rectovaginal fistula repair
- Anal sphincter repair
- Vaginoplasty
Frequently Asked Questions
A pelvic floor disorder suggests there is a weakness or tear somewhere within the network of muscles, ligaments and connective tissues supporting your internal organs. This weakening or tear in the support system may cause an organ to shift out of place and improperly function.
There are several symptoms of pelvic floor disorders, and a woman may experience more than one at the same time:
- Problems controlling bladder and bowels that include urine, bowel gas or stool leakage
- Difficulty emptying bladder or having a bowel movement
- Problems controlling urinary frequency
- Recurrent bladder or urinary tract infections
- Feelings of heaviness, sagging, bulging or even dropping in the pelvic area
- Feel or see tissue coming out of the vagina
Pelvic floor disorders are very common. One in five people will suffer from pelvic floor disorder during their life time – in fact, one third of all women and 50% of women over the age of 55 are currently affected by pelvic floor disorder.
Urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse are the most common kind of pelvic floor disorders. The good news is that there are good treatment options available.
While some cases of pelvic organ disorder are unavoidable, the following suggestions may help decrease your chances of developing a condition.
- Strengthen your pelvic floor by doing regular Kegel exercises
- Stay at a healthy weight through diet and exercise
- Resolve constipation issues because excessive straining can weaken the pelvic muscles. Speak with your physician about constipation, making dietary changes and increasing the amount of fiber in your diet
- Quit smoking. Smoking may cause a chronic cough that weakens your pelvic muscles. Smoking also weakens the tissues that support your pelvic organs. If you smoke, ask your physician about strategies to quit
- Limit the amount of heavy lifting you do. Speak with your specialist about lifting techniques that won't put as much stress on your pelvic muscles

Please call us on 021-34412364.