Laparoscopic surgery is a modern specialized way of performing all the diagnostic and therapeutic minor and major gynaecological procedures. Fast recovery time, minimizing of pain, hospitalization and the better aesthetic results are some of the advantages that makes laparoscopic surgery superior to the conventional gynae surgical procedures.
Overall in Pakistan there are very few centres who offer laparoscopic surgery. At LNH, we are offering all kind of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, like all grades of endometriosis, laparoscopic myomectomy, TLH (Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy), sacrocolpopexy etc.
Diagnostic laparoscopy is performed for; Chronic pelvic pain, subfertility, staging and diagnoses of endometriosis, staging and biopsy of gynae malignancies, urogynae surgeries, therapeutic surgery of endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, fibroid uterus, total laparoscopic hysterectomy, ovarian cyst surgery and gynaecological cancers.
Frequently Asked Questions
The smaller incisions are less painful. As a result, we see a decreased need for pain medication, shorter recovery time and better cosmetic result. Patients are able to eat when they feel ready and there is less internal scarring.
The risks are similar for laparoscopic, open and vaginal surgery. There is always a possibility that the surgeon cannot complete the procedure laparoscopically and a larger incision may be needed. This risk is small, as are the risks of bleeding, infection, damage to the bladder, bowel, blood vessels and ureters. With any surgery, there may be unforeseen risks and a potential, but exceedingly rare risk of death.
The day of surgery you will be asked to arrive early where you will meet members of our nursing and anesthesia staff. They will start your IV (Intravenous), and along with your surgeon, review the planned procedure and obtain your consent.
During surgery, pneumatic stockings are used to massage your legs and prevent blood clots. Depending on the procedure you are having, you may receive antibiotics to prevent infection or have a catheter placed after you are asleep.
Generally, you may experience any of these symptoms:
- Nausea
- Scratchy throat, if a breathing tube was placed
- Uterine cramping
- Shoulder pain from the gas used to see during laparoscopy
- Feeling bloated or gassy
- Vaginal bleeding or discharge (like menses)
This is usually individualized based on the surgery and the patient. Most patients require pain medication for one week following surgery. It may be advised to avoid intercourse, baths, douching, strenuous exercise or heavy lifting (above 15 lbs.) for 4-6 weeks. Many patients choose to return to work after two weeks, provided their job is not physically strenuous.
Contact your physician if you develop any of the following symptoms:
- Redness, warmth or heavy bleeding from the incisions
- Fever (above 100.5 C) or chills
- Problems with urination or bowel movements
- Heavy vaginal bleeding or increasing abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Shortness of breath or chest pain
Yes, coordination of other procedures, commonly bladder procedures for incontinence, can be performed.

Please call us on 021-34412364.