Corneal Transplant | Liaquat National Hospital and Medical College

Corneal Transplant

Liaquat National Hospital specializes in advanced corneal transplant procedures. Similar to the windscreen of a car, the cornea is the transparent and protective outer layer of the eye. It helps us to see things clearly and lets the light enter the eye. Any disease or infection of the cornea can affect the vision drastically. Corneal infections are very common and difficult to treat. They often leave a scar on the cornea, which causes the vision to get hazy and distorted.

The cornea has three layers (thin outer and inner layers and a thick middle layer). In some diseases, only the inside layer (endothelium) is affected, causing corneal edema (swelling) and clouding. The affected endothelial cells compromise the clarity of the cornea and cause cloudy vision.

A corneal transplant is a surgical ophthalmic procedure in which a healthy cornea is transplanted from a donor's eye to help restore vision. The cornea can be transplanted in full thickness or in layers (more advanced surgery).

A. Diseased Cornea
B. Recently done Corneal Transplant
C. Corneal Transplant after Removal of Sutures

Fig: Penetrating Keratoplasty (PK)

Indications of Corneal Transplant

At LNH, the Corneal Transplant is recommended for the following conditions:

  • Thinning or tearing of the cornea
  • Complications caused by previous eye surgery
  • Corneal scarring due to infection or injury
  • Keratoconus (cornea that bulges outwards)
  • Fuchs' dystrophy (a genetic condition)
  • Corneal ulcers
  • Corneal degenerations
  • Corneal swelling (edema)


LNH provides comprehensive Cornea treatments as well as complicated surgeries, including Corneal Transplants. Our consultants, who have been specifically trained locally and from abroad, are dedicated to providing services on cornea and corneal transplantation. This service is advanced, and not all hospitals have fully trained surgeons for this purpose. We provide corneal transplants in layers (Lamellar Keratoplasty), which is not done in most units in the city. We are registered with HOTA (Human Organ Transplant Authority), and we obtain cornea from USA and Sri Lankan eye banks. We offer a detailed discussion explaining the pros & cons and the outcome of the procedure.


Corneal Transplant Techniques at Liaquat National Hospital

DMEK (Descemet's Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty)

It is a technique where the diseased endothelial cells are removed from your eye and selectively replaced with a new layer of endothelial cells. These new cells are held in place temporarily by a bubble of air inside your eye.

Patients have a very high quality of vision afterwards, many achieving vision of 20/25 or better. DMEK corneal transplant has lowest lifetime risk of graft rejection.

DSEAK (Descemet's Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty)

DSEAK is a type of Endothelial Keratoplasty where the patient's affected endothelium is removed from the patient’s eye. It is then replaced with a thin layer of donor stroma tissue and Descemet's membrane.

DSEAK is a sutureless cornea transplant technique and has faster recovery than traditional corneal transplants. Patients have a very good quality of vision afterwards, many achieving vision of 20/30 or better. Visual prognosis in 2 years is the same as DMEK, but the recovery takes about 8 weeks compared to 2 weeks.

Recovery and Aftercare of Corneal Transplant Procedures

Complete recovery from a corneal transplant approximately takes 2-3 months. Following post-operative care tips must be followed to ensure successful recovery:

  • After surgery, you will be advised to lie flat as much as possible for one to two days and may be required to stay overnight at the hospital.
  • A follow-up appointment within one week will be important to assess the graft's position.
  • Approximately six follow-up visits are scheduled in the first year.
  • Taking about two weeks off work is generally recommended, although you should discuss your work mode and seek advice from your doctor.

Resuming normal activities:

  • Work: Plan for at least one week off, potentially longer depending on your job's nature.
  • Flying: Air travel restrictions last for one week or, in specific cases, up to 10 days, depending on the remaining gas bubble in the eye.
  • Sports activities: Consider waiting for four weeks before resuming activities if the surgery is successful.
  • Driving: Wait at least 48 hours before driving, and if you meet legal requirements (such as reading a number plate at 20 meters with your other eye). You can resume driving after 48 hours if you feel comfortable and safe to do so. It's crucial to be cautious to avoid accidental injuries during the adjustment period to your new eyesight.
  • Environment: Stay away from dusty and smoky environment to prevent any damage.

Benefits of Corneal Transplant

Improved vision

  • The majority of transplant recipients have good enough vision to be able to drive legally, although they usually need glasses.
  • It can take up to six months until the full improvement is seen.
  • It avoids the need for a full-thickness corneal graft, which means fewer surgical complications and less risk of loss of sight.

Relief from Pain and Discomfort

  • For people experiencing pain, discomfort, or irritation due to corneal diseases, a transplant can provide relief from these symptoms.

Prevention of Further Damage

  • By addressing underlying corneal conditions, a transplant can prevent further damage to the eye and stop the progression of diseases that may compromise vision.

Customized Surgical Techniques

  • Advances in corneal transplant techniques, such as DMEK and DSEAK, allow for more targeted and customized approaches.

Risks and Side Effects of Corneal Transplant

Corneal transplants, while generally safe, carry potential risks and side effects. Some of the complications include:

Graft Failure

Gradual graft failure can occur, usually after five or more years, due to the natural loss of transplanted endothelial cells or rejection by the body. Failed graft tissue may require replacement through another operation in the future.

Graft Dislocation/Detachment

Approximately 20% of Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) grafts may dislocate. This can be treated by repositioning through air or gas injection in the eye.

Temporary Increased Eye Pressure (Glaucoma)

Around 5% of patients may experience a temporary increase in eye pressure following the procedure.

Graft Rejection

Graft rejection is a potential complication, manifesting with symptoms such as a red eye, sensitivity to light, visual loss, pain, and blurred vision. If rejection occurs, prompt medical attention is crucial.

Blurred Vision due to Macular Edema

Less than 5% of patients may experience blurred vision caused by macular edema. This is typically temporary.

Retinal Detachment

While the risk is low, there is a possibility of retinal detachment after the procedure. In this condition, the back inside surface of your eye (retina) pulls away from its normal position.

Sight-Threatening Infection

In rare cases, a sight-threatening infection may occur, estimated at approximately 1 in 1,000 cases.

Other complications include:

  • Cataract
  • Swelling of the cornea

Training & Education

Regular teaching in clinics, regarding corneal diseases, and training in corneal surgery, including corneal repair, amniotic membrane graft and corneal transplant is the part of our practice.

Frequently Asked Questions


Dr. Ataur Rehman
Head of Department, Associate Professor

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Prof. Dr. Abdul Hameed Siddiqui

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Prof. Dr. Imran Ghayoor

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Prof. Dr. Munira Shakir

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Dr. Shahab Ul Hasan Siddiqui
Assistant Professor,

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Dr. Muhammad Hamza Khan
Consultant (Part-time)

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Dr. Tanveer Anjum Chaudhry
Consultant Eye Surgeon

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