Paediatric Infectious Diseases | Liaquat National Hospital and Medical College

Paediatric Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases are caused by infectious organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or worms. Normally, when the immune system of the host is fully functional, disease symptoms may not develop. If immunity of the host is compromised, or the infectious agent overcomes the immune system, an infectious disease occurs.

At LNH, Paediatric Infectious Diseases specialty clinic has been developed to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases caused by an infectious agent, in children from birth through the teen years. Consultations are done both for admitted patients and in the out-patient-department.


Paediatric Infectious Diseases services at LNH are fully backed up by state of the art department of radiology, microbiology, molecular pathology and histopathology laboratories. We have support of other paediatric sub-specialties e.g. Cardiology, PICU, Surgery and Neurology. Additional supportive services are provided by qualified clinical pharmacists and infection control & prevention staff.

A wide range of infectious and immunologic diseases such as those caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites are treated at Paediatric Infectious Diseases specialty clinic. Paediatric infectious diseases specialists are also consulted for diseases that are complicated or atypical, including:

  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Hepatitis
  • Meningitis
  • Respiratory infections
  • Bone and joint infections
  • HIV-infection & Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  • Illnesses that are of unclear cause, have prolonged fever, or are recurrent
  • Infections caused by organisms resistant to common antibiotics
  • Life threatening infections, like sepsis, bacteremia, endocarditis, etc.
  • Immunodeficiency, primary or secondary due to chemotherapy/transplant

Education & Training

Paediatric Infectious Diseases is fully involved in education and training of medical students of LNMC, Paediatric Residents and Fellows. Antimicrobial stewardship rounds are done regularly in collaboration with clinical pharmacy. Workshops & programs for appropriate use of antimicrobials, hand hygiene, infection control & prevention guidelines, up to date immunization practices are arranged for doctors, nurses and other paramedical staff. We are actively participating in community awareness campaigns for pandemics, outbreaks, polio vaccination, up to date immunization, catching-up with missed immunization, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions


Please call us on 021-34412474.