Paediatric Urology is a subspecialty which deals with the disorders and problems of children’s genitourinary systems consists of kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra and genitalia.
The most common problems treated by Paediatric urologist include urinary tract infection, Hydronephrosis, Kidney stones, Voiding dysfunction including Day-time urinary incontinence and Bedwetting, Vesicoureteric reflux, Pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction, Posterior Urethral Valves, Undescended testis and Inguinal hernias, Hypospadias and Epispadias.
It also includes prenatal counseling of pregnant females if the baby is detected to have Antenatal Hydronephrosis or any congenital urological problem. In liaison with the paediatric medical team, the paediatric nephrologist and obstetricians facilitate postnatal medical care of new born babies with urological problems.
In cases of Neuropathic bowel and bladder, paediatric urology team collaborates with the neurosurgical team to facilitate overall care of the baby. Availability of minimally invasive surgeries and Endourological procedures and Paediatric Urodynamic testing are remarkable characteristic features of the service. The service offers a place for pain free newborn circumcision which is performed in a safe way under local anesthesia.
All kinds of urological investigations are provided under one roof. The Paediatric Urology Service provides consultation along with 24 hours emergency covered by trained on call team.
Frequently Asked Questions
The doctor will use the child’s medical history, perform a physical exam, lab and imaging tests to diagnose the condition. To confirm the presence of a stone, the doctor may order X-Ray, Ultrasound or CT scan to find out the best treatment option. Doctor will also advise treatment to prevent development of stones in future.
Your child’s information will be registered. The nurse will record your child’s weight, height and blood pressure. The Paediatric Urologist and fellow or resident will meet you in the examination room. Next, the Paediatric Urologist will examine your child focusing on the abdomen, pelvic and outer genital area. The examination will be gentle and non-invasive. Once the child’s examination is completed, the Paediatric Urologist will discuss recommendation of treatment with you and your child. All concerns and queries will be formally addressed by the Paediatric Urologist.
The age at which we prefer to perform repair is six months (in most cases of healthy children). In nearly all situations, the repair should be performed before one year of age.
We have a dedicated clinic to manage patients with neurogenic bladder. Available services to assess neurogenic bladder include Ultrasound KUB and Voiding Cystourethrogram (U/S KUB VCUG), Urodynamic and renal scans.

Please call us on 021-34412474.