Aesthetic Dermatology | Liaquat National Hospital and Medical College

Aesthetic Dermatology

Aesthetic dermatology focuses on improving the appearance of skin, addressing concerns related to aesthetics rather than medical conditions. It involves non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments that enhance skin texture, tone, and overall appearance.

At the aesthetic dermatology clinic of Liaquat National Hospital, we specialize in a wide range of skin conditions and aesthetic concerns. Our clinic stands out due to our comprehensive approach to skin and hair care procedures. Our outpatient clinics are well-equipped to diagnose and treat all skin conditions, providing comprehensive care that includes counseling, follow-ups, and patient education on skin conditions.

We use advanced technology such as PRP machines, HydraFacial devices, DermaPens for microneedling, electrocautery, and cryotherapy equipment. We also conduct regular screening sessions for skin cancers.

Treatable Skin Conditions in Aesthetic Dermatology

  • Wrinkles and Fine Lines
  • Hyperpigmentation: skin tone affected by sun damage, melasma, freckles, sun spots or age spots.
  • Uneven Skin Texture
  • Dehydrated and dull skin
  • Facial Volume Loss: Lost volume in areas such as cheeks, lips, and temples.
  • Skin Laxity: Prominent skin folds, loose or sagging skin, particularly around the face and neck.
  • Rosacea
  • Stretch Marks
  • Deep scars
  • Acne Scars
  • Large Pores / Open pores
  • Spider Veins
  • Cellulite
  • Moles and Skin Tags
  • Diffuse hair fall
  • Patchy hair loss
  • Alopecia
  • Hirsutism (excessive hair growth on face and body)

Skin Care Procedures

  • Phototherapy: This treatment uses specific wavelengths of light to treat skin conditions like vitiligo and psoriasis.
  • Hydrafacial: A non-invasive treatment combining cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, more beautiful skin with no discomfort or downtime.
  • Microneedling: The procedure stimulates the body's natural wound-healing processes, resulting in increased collagen and elastin production and improved skin texture.
  • Chemical cautery: This procedure uses chemical agents to destroy or remove unwanted tissue. Conditions like Xanthalesma, moles, and skin tags are completely treated by applying chemicals like TCA and salicylic acid.
  • Electrocautery: Electrocautery uses electric current to remove warts, skin tags, and other skin lesions by burning them.
  • Cryotherapy: This treatment uses extreme cold to freeze and destroy abnormal skin tissues such as viral warts, skin tags, Molluscum Contagiosum (MC), and keloids, promoting natural healing.
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Therapy: It involves injecting concentrated platelets from the patient's own blood to promote healing and growth of new skin and hair cells. This procedure is effective for alopecia, skin rejuvenation, acne scars, melasma, two-tone skin, and wrinkles.

Frequently Asked Questions


Dr. Syed Ahmed Asif
Dr. Ayesha Hina
Consultant Dermatologist & Aesthetic Physician

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Please call us on: 021-344126921