Department of Chest Medicine | Liaquat National Hospital

The Department of Chest Medicine and Critical Care is comprised of a team of outstanding clinicians and skilled professionals, dedicated to improve the lives of patients with serious lung diseases.

This specialty provides advanced clinical care for inpatients as well as outpatients by a team of medical professionals with expertise in whole spectrum of common as well as rare respiratory conditions including pulmonary and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, lung cancer, chronic obstructive lung disease, diffuse parenchymal lung diseases, pulmonary vascular disease, pulmonary hypertension, sleep disorders, asthma, chronic respiratory failure, lung fibrosis and lung infections.

We believe in multidimensional care and collaborate with physiotherapists, dietitians and nurses to improve the quality of health of our patients. We strive towards educating our patients about tuberculosis and other contagious pulmonary diseases. The department regularly arranges public awareness campaigns against smoking, which causes significant harm to respiratory health.

Critical Care Services

The department has fully equipped Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and High Dependency Unit (HDU), where invasive and non-invasive ventilators are available to manage critically ill patients. Evidence based medicine, innovative staffing model, and availability of multidisciplinary care are highlights of critical care services in respiratory medicine.


Bedside fiber-optic bronchoscopy
Non invasive ventilation
Pulmonary Function testing
Transthoracic needle aspirations
Video Bronchoscopy
Chest tube insertions, pleural biopsies and pleurodesis
Pleural Biopsy
Sleep Studies
Transthoracic needle aspirations

Education and Training

We enthusiastically assist the training of next generation clinicians who work closely with ancillary teams comprised of skilled nurses, therapists and technologists. A three-year pulmonary medicine fellowship training program at Liaquat National Hospital is accredited by the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. Additionally, we offer membership program in Pulmonology, which is also accredited by the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan.


Prof. Dr. Syed Ali Arsalan
Head of Department

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Dr. Zafar Ahmad
Associate Professor

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Dr. Syed Tabish Rehman
Assistant Professor

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Dr. Mehreen Umair

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Contact information

Please call us on 021-34412247 & 021-34412708.