Medical Physicist
Radiology & Imaging
Key Responsibilities:
- Supervise the operational aspects of radiation protection program.
- Cooperate with the officers of the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) and facilitating internal and external audits.
- Undertake the radiation safety assessment of new installations, process and equipment prior to their acceptance.
- Specifying appropriate monitoring procedure.
- Ensure the availability and calibration of radiation monitoring instruments and service as required.
- Systematically and periodically reviewing monitoring programme an all-area where radiation sources are used, stored or disposed off
- Exercising and carrying out emergency procedures.
- Supervised decontamination procedure
- providing waste disposal procedure in accordance with the condition of the license or as specified by the PNRA
- Reporting all overexposures, accidents and losses of radiation sources and reporting to the radiation protection committee/PNRA as necessary.
Qualifications and Experience:
- MSc / BS in Physics or relevant field
- Good communication, and interpersonal skills
- Possesses knowledge of radiation protection and safety.
- Possesses general computer knowledge to keep department records